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Khardine Gray

Marvin Cherry
Trisha Shaw
Debbie McNeely
Sela Croft
Peter Bruwer

Brian James
The escalation in sales of my book can be traced directly to the start of Dragon Realm Press’ efforts. But purchases made by readers as a direct result of their efforts is just one benefit of their work. This goes beyond “tickling the buying bone” of potential readers. Their efforts made it easier for me to book interviews on radio stations and podcasts. They increased my presence overall and many of the show bookers I approached were already aware of my novel. This made booking interviews a lot easier.
I will definitely be using them again for my next book. I just wish I had gotten Dragon Realm on board earlier this time.
Happy Author
After the first two weeks of working with Jamie, I nearly fell off my chair when I looked at my numbers. In fact, I closed my Amazon affiliate account and logged back in because I thought I had made a mistake. I was blown away by the results. It’s so refreshing—and comforting—to work with a marketer who delivers on their promise and does good by the client!
I’ve become a recurring client of Jamie’s and couldn’t be happier of my decision!
Stephanie Baruffi
Alongside me, she put her heart into this project, and that meant a lot. She cared about my desires and ideas for the script, and worked with my suggestions while taking the lead and using her education and skill to create our final edits. My experience with Danielle was both pleasant and professional, and I am thankful she and I got a chance to work together.

Max Dune

Melissa McClone

Katlynn Brook

Elizabetta Holcomb

Steven Whibley

Bentz Deyo

Donna Armillei

S McPherson

Soulla Christodoulou
The paperback formatting services offered by Dragon Realm Press have been most thorough and of a professional standard. All tweaks and formatting concerns were taken on board from the outset and carried out in a timely and efficient way. I found the whole service great value for money and stress free to use which left me to do the fun bit…writing my next book!