Working with a cover designer

Working with a cover designer

Working with a Cover Designer What you need to know! A good cover designer can be the difference between a successful book or a flop. Finding a designer that you can work well with is often something that’s overlooked. Prior to booking a designer, here are some...
School author visits part one

School author visits part one

School author visits – Part 1 Ask almost any author what they enjoy about being a writer and they’ll invariable point towards the interactions they have with readers and fans. The buzz you get as an author when actually speaking to someone who has enjoyed your books...
Dragon Realm Press now accepting submissions

Dragon Realm Press now accepting submissions

Now accepting submissions We have restructured the business to offer better services to our ever-growing base of authors. With these exciting changes, we will engage our readers further, provide additional services and supports to our indies and now accept submissions...
AMS ads 101: 8 thing you need to know

AMS ads 101: 8 thing you need to know

Introduction to AMS ads Welcome AMS ads 101 and the wonderful world or book marketing. Rated by authors as one of the worse aspects about being an author, getting the marketing right can make the difference between making it as an author and consigning yourself to the...